Safety Information
Enter and play at your own risk
No first aid available
We retain the right to refuse admittance or ask you to leave the snow play area if rules are not obeyed
To ensure the safety of all of our guests
we please ask to refrain from:
Throwing Snowballs
Making Snowmen
Private Equipment
No Pets* (for service animal information see below)

*Service Animals Policy
Pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and federal regulations of 28 C.F.R 36.301 et.seq. it is Snowdrift’s policy that service animals* (which is defined under the ADA can only be dogs or miniature horses) are not permitted in ticketed areas based on legitimate safety requirements determined by Snowdrift regarding the safety of other customers and staff, as well as the safety of the service animal itself.
In addition, Snowdrift does not allow service animals to accompany customers in areas that require a ticket. Again, based on Snowdrift’s legitimate safety requirements concerning the safety of other customers, our employees, and the service animal itself.
Snowdrift’s policy of restricting service animals applies equally to all other animals including pets and emotional support animals.
Misrepresenting a dog as a service animal is a criminal violation.
*”Service Animal” means any animal trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Pets providing emotional support, well-being, comfort or companionship are not recognized as service animals under ADA regulations.
Our policy is based on the recommendations of the NSAA (National Ski Areas Association) and has been approved by the USFS for areas operating Under a Special Use Permit.
Additional Safety Information
No Pedestrian Traffic is allowed off the highway!
All customers must enter the property in their vehicle in order to ensure the safety of our customers.
Please do not exit your vehicle and try to enter the park by foot!
Groups need to enter together in order to have their wristbands time stamped together.